Let’s talk about what’s really going on in the bedroom when you don’t get a good night’s sleep. And it’s not what you’re thinking. Yes, the kids may still wake and make a sandwich out of you and your partner. Or the cat may refuse to sleep at your feet and instead, choose to nestle near your neck. But there’s one way to make sure you achieve maximum relaxation, when you do finally get to sleep – having a perfect pillow.
To achieve maximum relaxation, there are two major factors to consider – a comfortable mattress and a supportive pillow. Pillows are a vital part of maximising your relaxation in the bedroom. Unfortunately, when it comes to choosing a pillow, there’s not a magic pillow that is suitable for everyone. The size, shape and level of support the pillow provides are all important factors to consider. Not getting it ‘right’ means not getting a good night’s sleep.

Why is it so important to choose a perfect pillow that’s right for you?
When we sleep, we recover from the stress of the day. Our bodies undergo detoxification and repair. If we sleep poorly, then it becomes difficult for our bodies to recover and this is when pain can begin to occur. For some, choosing a pillow involves two steps – taking it off the shelf and paying for it. But if little thought is invested into purchasing a pillow that is right for you, then there will be a higher price to pay down the track with numerous back and neck related issues to follow.
To save you losing winks over your next pillow purchase, we’ve compiled a list of the various types of pillows on the market, along with their pros and cons.